Dr. Miles Silman Researches Ways to Protect the Amazon

Photo: Amazonian Landscape

Bob Buckley, reporter for My Fox News Channel 8, talked with Dr. Miles Silman about the research he has been doing with Wake Forest University’s Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) to reduce illegal gold mining and protect the Peruvian rain forest.

We think of organisms out in the wild as just adornments – you know, ‘There’s a plant, there’s an animal.’ And one of the things the research really drives home is that these things are related and, when you start to separate the animals from the forest, you lose the forest.” – Dr. Miles Silman, CINCIA co-founder and Wake Forest’s Andrew Sabin Presidential Chair of Conservation Biology.

You may read more about Bob Buckley’s interview with Dr. Silman here.