Special WFU Biology seminar and event to be held by Dr. Joseph L. Graves Jr. on Monday, April 3, 2023. Dr. Graves is the first African American evolutionary biologist in the country, and is a world-renowned advocate for evolutionary medicine.
At 4 pm in Winston Hall 126 & Online, Dr. Joseph L. Graves Jr., N.C. A&T State University Professor in the Department of Biology, will give a seminar talk titled “Experimental Evolution of Metal Resistance in Bacteria.” Email zhangk@wfu.edu for the Zoom link.
RSVP today to attend a special event hosted by the WFU Biology Department in conjunction with the Minority Association of Pre-Health students to be held at 7 pm in the Byrum Welcome Center’s Kulyncych Auditorium. The presentation “‘Racism Not Race’: Discussing Race, Society, and Medicine” featuring Dr. Joseph L. Graves, Jr. will be about his work on race, its lack of scientific backing, and the impact of evolution on medicine. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.