Meet the new Teacher-Scholars: Biology

photo RJ Cordy

We are pleased and excited to welcome our two new Faculty members, Dr. Regina Joice Cordy and Dr. Sheri Floge.  The Undergraduate College published a brief article on our two new members that can be found below!

Meet the New Teacher-Scholars: Biology

When Cordy and Floge applied for the same Assistant Professor position, the department determined that both biologists would be great additions to WFU’s faculty.

Cordy was recently quoted in a Los Angeles Times article on the microbes found in the Hong Kong subway system. Her particular research examines how hosts might have much different reactions to an infection, such as contracting malaria from a mosquito bite.

Floge, meanwhile, works under the theory that “oceans are a soup of viruses” that affect microorganisms and the food webs that form in oceans. As part of her research at WFU, she will created fake “lab oceans” where she can affect the viruses in the water.

“She can bring the ocean to the ground floor of Winston Hall,”

Susan Fahrbach, Biology Chairperson